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Title: The genomic basis of potentially ongoing evolution of selfing syndrome in Cardamine amara, an emerging model species for plant mating system evolution
Main Applicant: Dr. Reiko Akiyama1
Supervisor: Dr. Rie Shimizu-Inatsugi1
Co-applicant: Dr. Hiromi Matsumae1
1Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, UZH
Title: Exploring the trajectories and genomic consequences of the Walser expansion
Main Applicant: Dr. Natasha Arora1
Supervisor: PD Dr. Michael Krützen2
Co-applicants: Prof. Dr. Laurent Excoffier 3, Dr. Simon Aeschbacher 4
1Institute of Forensic Medicine, UZH
2Department of Anthropology, UZH
3Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern
4Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis
Title: Cooperation or competition: Interactions of bacterial strains with different evolutionary background
Main Applicant: Dr. Michael Baumgartner1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jakob Pernthaler1
Co-applicant: Prof. Dr. Leo Eberl1
1Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UZH
Title: Testing the role of siRNAs in hybrid incompatibility, are they responsible for the drastic shift in allele-specific expression in hybrid seeds?
Main Applicant: Dr. Ana Marcela Florez-Rueda1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus1
1Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UZH
Title: The transcriptional basis of inbreeding depression and fitness rescue by prenatal maternal investment
Main Applicant: Dr. Kate Ihle1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Tschirren1
Co-applicant: Kasia Sluzek1
1Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, UZH
Title: Genetic bases of the adaptive radiation within a species revealed by the genome-wide polymorphism
Main Applicant: Dr. Ayako Izuno1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu1
1Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, UZH
Title: Probing the epigenetic response to transposable elements
Main Applicant: Dr. Kartal Önder1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus1
Co-applicant: Prof. Dr. Ralph Schlapbach 2
1Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UZH
2Functional Genomics Center Zurich, ETHZ
Title: Is competition between bacteria based on fixed or phenotypically plastic responses? - answers from a transcriptome study
Main Applicant: Anne Leinweber1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rolf Kümmerli1
1Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UZH
Title: Genetics of host adaptation of Blumeria graminis (powdery mildew)
Main Applicant: Marion Müller1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Beat Keller1
Co-applicant: Dr. Salim Bourras1
1Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UZH
Title: Genome wide association study of heavy metal tolerance in Medicago truncatula and evolutionary genomics of metal tolerant nitrogen fixing rhizobia
Main Applicant: Dr. Timothy Paape1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kentaro Shimizu1
1Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, UZH
Title: Distinct changes of floral morphology in Mimulus aurantiacus - Discovering underlying epigenetic regulatory DNA marks.
Main Applicant: Dr. Yvonne Möller-Steinbach1
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus1
Co-applicant: Prof. Dr. Mark Robinson2
1Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UZH
2Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, UZH