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URPP Evolution in Action: From Genomes to Ecosystems

Shevan Wilkin

Shevan Wilkin, Dr.

  • Institute of Evolutionary Medicine
+41 44 635 05 14


Wilkin S, Lanigan LT, Montes N, Sharma M, Avanzi C, Sejdiu D,  [...] Schuenemann VJ (2024).

Sequential trypsin and ProAlanase digestions unearth immunological protein biomarkers shrouded by skeletal collagen (

iScience, May 2024


Wilkin S, Hommel P, Ventresca Miller A, Boivin N, Pedergnana A, Shishlina N, Trifonov V (2023).

Curated cauldrons: Preserved proteins from early copper-alloy vessels illuminate feasting practices in the Caucasian steppe. ( )

iScience, September 2023